Marudam is located at Kananthampoondi village, Tamil Nadu, India. The school is around 4 km outside of Thiruvannamalai town and 6 km from Ramana Ashram, pretty much opposite Kendra Vidlayala School.

To reach us from Tiruvannamalai town: Travel down the Sathanur dam road, also known as Kallakurichi road, for about 3 km, beyond two churches located on either side of the road. Turn right into the bypass road about 100 meters after the second church, and follow it for about 2 km. You will see a “Marudam Farm” sign board pointing to a narrower road, which should be followed for another 1 km. A wooden board in on the right is located just outside the school campus.

Another good guideline is to follow the signs to Kendra Vidlayala school. We are on the other side of the road from them, just few meters before if you come from Nalavanpalyam side.

Please schedule your visit with us in advance !

  • 999 441 9311


  • Marudam Farm School
    347, Kannanthampoondi Village,
    Pandithapettu PO,
    Thiruvannamalai  – 606603,
    Tamilnadu, India.